
  • Books: Fiction and non-fiction for all age groups, including large print.

  • eBooks & eAudio: a range of adult and children’s titles from BorrowBox, Hoopla and Libby.

  • Magazines & eMagazines: a wide range of titles, including gardening, home, women's, fishing, sport, and much more.

  • DVDs and Blurays: For adults and children, both movies, documentaries, and educational.

  • Music & Video Streaming: Stream music, TV series, documentaries and movies through Hoopla.

  • Talking Books: Books recorded on CD as well as Playaway - talking books on mp3 players.

  • Local Studies: Books, photographs, local newspapers. The Bourke Western Herald is available online via Trove from 1886-1970.

  • Legal Tool Kit: Legal information in plain language, covering a wide range of legal issues.

  • Drug Info: Up to date information about drugs and alcohol.

  • Online Databases: a range of databases including Ancestry, Find My Past, Britannica Library, World Book Online and many more.