Tech Help Guides

  • Digital Unite Technology Guides - 400+ how-to guides covering a whole host of digital topics. Written by subject matter experts and updated regularly, the guides are perfect for supporting others with digital skills or improving your own knowledge.

  • Ability Net How To Guides - step by step instructions on how to adapt your phone, computer or tablet to meet your needs. You can search for a specific need (e.g. making text larger) or filter the guides based on your symptoms (e.g. hand tremor) or condition (e.g. dyslexia)

  • Learn My Way - Learn My Way has free courses for you to learn digital skills to stay safe and connected.

  • GCF Learn Free - Computers - These tutorials will help empower you to be more comfortable with this type of technology, from learning the parts of a computer to using a mouse.

  • Windows 10 Troubleshooting Guide - This is the most extensive and comprehensive guide to troubleshooting and solving common problems in Windows 10. From simple issues like customizing your Start menu to complex solutions for fixing the Blue Screen of Death – we have you covered! The guides are thorough, proven, easy-to-follow and supported with helpful screenshots that will guide you through every step of the process.